Why I’m Really Excited About Search

Working on the web is extremely comforting for me. For as long as I can remember I have had a computer in front of me with the ability to create anything I want. I am lucky to spend my days focused on digital marketing and I am constantly fascinated by the powerful publishing and content Read More


Keyword Unavailable | What Are You Searching For?

What are you searching for? It’s like asking “What’s the meaning of life?” It sure got Siri alot of attention. When I ask, “What are you searching for?” I am not talking about some self fulfilling prophecy or dream job, I’m talking about Google searches and Search Engine Optimization. What are you typing into google? It wasn’t too long Read More


Optimization Progression in a Google Instant

The web is progressing, it is learning.

The fundamentals are the same. It’s still the Google algorihtm- it’s just smarter- it knows YOU, displaying results in a different way. Relying on your personal search history as a key factor in Google’s quest to deliver a quality search experience which means: PERSONALIZED search results.