What Make a Great Teacher? Part 4

As American Education Week comes to to an end I believe we are entering an era that requires drastic measures to ensure the success of America’s school system.

The results of the National Assessment of Education Progress released Thursday display the sames issues that emerge time and time again on other standardized tests. There is a substantial difference between the performance of whites and minorities, between middle class and poor. There are so many external factors affecting a students success.


What Make a Great Teacher: Part 3

Earlier today the Department of Education issued the results of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) Grade 12 Reading and Mathematics National and Pilot State Results.

School LockersToday’s report suggests that high school seniors’ achievement in reading and math isn’t rising fast enough to prepare them to succeed in college and careers. Reading results have improved since 2005, but are still below the level of 1992. Math scores also show only incremental gains over four years ago.


What Make a Great Teacher: Part 2

Everyday nearly 50 million students head off to approximately 99,000 public elementary and secondary schools around the country and before the school year is out, an estimated $540 billion will be spent related to their education.

In part 2 of What Makes a Great a Teacher I asked a friend of mine who is in her 4th year of teaching what she thought was driving successful students in America’s schools? …


What Makes a Great Teacher? Part 1

The 89th Annual American Education Week-Nov. 14-20, presents all Americans with an opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring every child receives a quality education.

My mother has always been a source of inspiration and I credit her for my interest and passion for quality education in America’s schools. I can’t think of a better way to honor educators than to highlight my mother’s own contribution to public education. She has taught in the Virginia Public school system for 29 years.


American Education Week

Next Monday marks, the 89th annual American Education Week, November 14–20. I am not a professional educator, nor do I have kids in the education system- yet I have this strange connection and understanding of the importance of schools and teachers and the process of educating the masses.
Thousands of teachers around the world spend each day in the classroom with children, teenagers and adults alike. These teachers are a grounding force for the new generations to come.


The Honeymooners

I want to take a moment to thank our family and friends who joined us last month to celebrate our wedding. Thank you all for traveling and being there to share in the special occasion.
My wife and I have just returned from an amazing honeymoon in Hawaii following our Carolina wedding at The Sanderling in Duck, NC. You can check out the Wedding announcement in the good ole’ Free Lance Star.


Social Media and The Next Frontier

For the last year or so there was a lot of hype surrounding the use of social networks from a marketing and public relations perspective. Then came the question of ROI on Social Media. Look at how far we’ve come… I am happy to say that in the world of online interaction… we are moving Read More


Be The Challenger

Even when I was younger I was always questioning the process of everything. This habit led me to seek out and follow the process and those implementing the policies & procedures around me. Who were these people in charge? Whether in university leadership programs or professional associations I have taken an interest in the steering Read More


Here, Have Some Dedication

I have always believed that hard work and dedication can get you what you want but it definitely helps to have someone who recognizes all that you have to offer. My mother is one of the smartest ladies I know. She taught me from a young age that you cannot bypass long term goals in Read More


Be a Better Friend

What are your thoughts and wishes? What are your dreams, hopes and worries? Day in and day out I know what bothers me and what I need, but I believe it is more rewarding to know I can help others. Whether it’s physically, mentally, spiritually, or emotionally- helping someone find direction or explore their passions Read More