I Dream Of Beaches

I just finished reading “The Four Hour Work Week” By Tim Ferriss while on vacation with my girlfriend and best friends from home. Now -I don’t know whether or not it was necessarily because I was on vacation- but it was- that the entrepreneurial side of me came out in full force. Something about being on vacation makes you want to be “away” from the real world stresses of life and work. In his book, Ferriss outlines a plan to fulfilling your dreams (what he calls dreamlining) and how anyone can achieve success and happiness- you just have to make it happen for you.

One of the main chords that struck me so effectively was Ferris’ description of retirement dreams. He explains that when most folks think of retirement, they imagine having X amount of dollars in their bank account and traveling and or taking care of their families, right? What Ferriss explains is that, life doesn’t have to be a beginning to end; start-to-finish race, it can be a series of high points: I’ll call them Life Rushes- you know, those moments when you feel alive, those times when you are being who you imagine yourself to be?

Who are you? 


Mike Toner

Based in Alexandria, Virginia Michael is the Manager of Social Media at Navy Federal Credit Union. By evening, he's a husband, dog owner and runner. Toner writes about social media strategy, tools, training and best practices for social and digital marketing programs.


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