Why I’m Really Excited About Search

Working on the web is extremely comforting for me. For as long as I can remember I have had a computer in front of me with the ability to create anything I want. I am lucky to spend my days focused on digital marketing and I am constantly fascinated by the powerful publishing and content Read More


It’s About the Journey

From you, to me, to we. Recently my girlfriend and I took the next step in our journey together. It’s crazy how much she makes me be who I want to be. I wake up and I want to be the best person for her; I want to be her best friend and companion. I’ve Read More


Photo’s Over A Year

About a year ago, I bought a MacBook and starting taking crazy mugshots with photobooth, the built-in camera. I like to think of this as my MacBook’s point of view over the past year and all the faces it has seen:



Welcome to the totally redesigned MikeToner.com! This is the third redesign I’ve been through. The first website I created back in June 2002 was a static iWeb site hosted via godaddy with a blog that was really hard to update. I was having to manually update blog posts to my site via FTP. This made Read More


Mother’s Day 2008

Today my Mom came to D.C. to visit and we went to the FDR Memorial as well as the WWII Memorial on the National Mall. I wish all Mother’s the happiest of days. -Mike Toner


Vote for LIL nIK!

My good friend Nikki is a part of the City Year program in New York City. “City Year unites young people of all backgrounds for a year of full-time service, giving them skills and opportunities to change the world.” Check out her video, “Why I serve” and see how she is changing the world!


A Sign for the Times

“Imagine that everyone has an invisible sign hanging from his or her neck saying. ‘Make me feel important.’ Never forget this message when working with people.” Now imagine this invisible sign every time you meet someone new. Allow it to function as a reminder that everyone you encounter wants to know that they matter and Read More


No Child Left Behind and the next President?

The United States implemented the No Child Left Behind Act to help counteract a decline in education among today’s students. States are required to test and analyze elementary, middle and high school students on their academic achievement in every  subject The legislation calls for stronger accountability for results more freedom for states and communities proven Read More


Happy New Year!

I have been thinking hard about my New Years Resolution as 2008 approaches. This goal is only supposed to be one thing, one goal. Many people concentrate their energy on creating multiple, often un-achievable goals, so much so that it seems the New Years Resolution has lost its way. Think of one thing, one goal, Read More