Organizations are learning what is most important in managing social media- namely, being agile enough to take an opportunity and use it to respond and engage with customers online and make social media valuable. [box]Social media is rapidly transforming the way organizations communicate with customers. As a cost-effective way to engage online, social media gives companies Read More
Strategies like Search Engine Optimization target customers at the moment they want to buy. Through analytics, marketers can accurately track where customers come from, how long they stay on a site, what campaigns bring in the most sales and more. Marketing is making the move towards SEO
From Jan 6- Jan 9, 2011 I will be attending the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow.
The International Consumer Electronic Show draws more than 120,000 attendees with the exhibit space covering more than 1.5 million square feet of the Las Vegas Convention center.
The web is progressing, it is learning.
The fundamentals are the same. It’s still the Google algorihtm- it’s just smarter- it knows YOU, displaying results in a different way. Relying on your personal search history as a key factor in Google’s quest to deliver a quality search experience which means: PERSONALIZED search results.
Social media took a wild ride last year as businesses and organization began accepting it as a serious business tool. Tonight, I am speaking to a group of business students at Howard University who are dedicated users of web 2.0 but are looking to be the next ‘gatejumper’ in the world wide web. I plan Read More
For those who think facebook is the extent of your online persona – think again. We are entering a new era and those migrating into social networks are quickly learning how to communicate online. I like the idea that we are collectively learning and brainstorming how to use social media. Do you think it is Read More
The blending of real world networking and online social networking can be the difference between getting your first interview and getting your first job.
Here’s a little video of my time out at the 2009 Consumer Electronic Show in Las Vegas last week. I had a great time out in Vegas. It was my first trip to SinCity and to be honest, it was an easy test of my self-control. I played craps for about an hour and stayed Read More
This is a follow up to my thoughts from Monday’s post on customer service. I believe that every conversation with a potential customer is a representation of the larger organization; you are now acting as the company. In the same way, every performance for a stage actor is a representation of the way the playwright Read More
As I headed to the Kennedy Center last night for a show, I began thinking about the preparation involved in stage production and what an immense undertaking it is. The behind the scenes work takes months to produce a seemingly effortless result; the performance. I was always taught that the trick to acting is to Read More