Rounding a Social Media Curve

Social Media is about engagement, right? Yes, but maybe you started off with social media the way I did; quietly listening while learning the ropes, lurking and not really being social at all! In fact, my first tweet was on October, 26th 2007. Great, except- I sent 15 tweets in the first month and not Read More


Writing Practice

Sometimes a case of writers block takes a change of scenery, a new journal and a nice pen to get my thoughts and ideas onto the paper. As you may have noticed, I write with a rational, cause-and-effect tone. This is me, this is how I write, but often I get stuck in this cause Read More


Act Right!

This is a follow up to my thoughts from Monday’s post on customer service. I believe that every conversation with a potential customer is a representation of the larger organization; you are now acting as the company. In the same way, every performance for a stage actor is a representation of the way the playwright Read More



Good Morning, Good Afternoon & Good Evening friends,I need your help. My roommate, Steven Knight and I have submitted an original song called Burnin’ to the Ground to the MyFoxDC Local Band Contest. The voting starts today and goes through May 11th. You have to register on their site, which isn’t hard, but does take Read More


Dependence, Independence & Interdependence

As children, each of us relied on a caretaker to feed and clothe us. Our parents and grandparents had to know how we felt at any given time despite that children are often unable to verbalize such feelings. We were each dependent on someone else at some point in our life. As we grow older, Read More


7 Tips for Engaging in Social Media

1) What are people already saying about your organization on the web? Gather information, do your research, seek out the conversation. Listen FIRST. 2) Think about your plan of action. Which blogs will you want to follow? How much of the conversation has already taken place? Will you and how will you engage? Listen and Read More


We Are All communicators

“First seek to understand, then seek to be understood.” Interpersonal communication is the process of sending and receiving information or more easily described as: communicating with another person. This communication can be verbal or nonverbal. The idea is simple, but the implications are monstrous. It seems so easy to say, “I communicate well with others.” But how Read More